Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Can I tow a 20ft inclosed carhauler with 38ft kountryair 460 gas total trailer and cargo wt. 7500 lbs.?

I'm assuming that a kountryair 460 gas is an RV. Two hundred brands and models, it's hard to know them all.

Answer #1. Look somewhere in your RV, maybe a closet, somewhere there's a paper stuck to the wall that tells you your GVWR (Weight of your RV) and GCWR (Weight of your RV and Trailer and cargo). GCWR minus GVWR is how much you can two.

Answer #2. Most RVs, especially gas ones, are already near their maximum weight rating. i.e., they can tow about 2 to 3 thousand pounds. So, it is most likely that your trailer is 3 to 4 thousand pounds too heavy.Can I tow a 20ft inclosed carhauler with 38ft kountryair 460 gas total trailer and cargo wt. 7500 lbs.?
You call THAT camping bringing 58 feet and 7500lbs of whatnot? what happened to a tent?
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