Monday, June 21, 2010

Can i permanently ancor a cargo ship off the coast of long beach CA?

I want to live on a cargo ship off the coast of californiaCan i permanently ancor a cargo ship off the coast of long beach CA?
Probably, if you're more than 12 miles out. You a good swimmer?Can i permanently ancor a cargo ship off the coast of long beach CA?
No way unless you want to live way off shore. If you want to, you'll have to get a smaller boat and a slip like eveyone else.
You'll need to contact the coast guard to find out. But why the heck would you want to live on a cargo ship?
Buy one and anchor it to your hearts desire
its fine with me so if anyone bugs you just tell them steve from jersey said its cool.
a sailboat yes a cargo ship i would think you woudl need to check with the coastgaurd make sure you are not in shipping lanes and depending on the size you would need to be a certian distance from the shore

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